Starting Somewhere

Before I jump into what is happening in my life currently, I feel that it is only appropriate to take you back and allow for some true perspective of who I really am. I'll be breaking down my previous 27 years into a few blog posts - just so I don't lose you already!

I grew up in Northern Los Angeles, near Angeles National Forest (off the 210, if you're local). The fact that I went to a small Christian school for 13 years seems to surprise people. Maybe it's the foul mouth, tattoos, or style? Anyway, my dad worked for an animation studio, my mom did hair in a shared space with my god-mom and my Nana and Papa owned properties. Ahh, there it is! Art, style, and investments - since day one, guys! But seriously, I spent a lot of time with my grandparents because they were so close by. 

My Nana comes from a military family where women work hard and look fabulous while doing it. This lady mops her floors after making a meal, seriously, the cleanest human I know. My Papa grew up in Washington State in a house where if something was broken he had to spend all day fixing it with his brother to avoid buying new - oh, and he could fix anything. He flipped cars, went to chiropractic school, and was one of the smartest men I've ever known. This all lead him to work for the City of Glendale as a carpenter. I think for them being landlords came naturally. Papa would schmooze tenants and repair things while my Nana cleaned everything and kept the books. They were very frugal and very strategic with their money. Most of their lives they lived in one side of a duplex across the street from another duplex that is still in the family (Abella Street). I learned so much essential information not only about real estate - but about how the world works. There was monthly income vs. expenses, repairs, landscaping. I knew about tax write-offs and when they sold - capital gains (I was like, 11 years old), and small claims court, a.k.a tenants... Just from standing by watching them navigate these tasks (and asking a million questions) I've entered into this business with a lot of the core aspects in place. 

The duplex across the street that is still in the family. Ya, my dad Warren met my mom, Lorie(+Warren=Lauren), when he decided to rent one of the units with a buddy of his at 26 years old. My mom was not only the landlords daughter - she was only 18! My grandpa didn't approve, but my parents made it 25 years. They are no longer together - but they had a good run, for sure. Growing up my parents continued with our heritage of working hard. My brother and I were both working at 16... Not because we were poor, but because that's just how we were raised. They also pushed us to be unashamed of who we are and that everyone has a story; no one person is better than another and we're all trying our best. There is nothing I can tell my parents that their response wouldn't be, "I love you no matter what". I 1000% know how lucky I am.    

I hope that this small message helped you get to know me in a way you could never see on Facebook or Instagram. Along with gaining some more insight on who I am as a person, I think that these people and their stories have shaped my career in real estate in a big way. Thank you so much for reading and seeing me on a more personal level. More to come!

With Gratitude, Lauren